Thursday, December 31, 2009

Food For Thought - Installment II: Does Cheese Have it in For Canada?

So the other day I wrote a list of cheeses I needed for a party I was having and I thought I saw something stick out at me from the list.

Light Cheeze Whiz
Medium Cheddar

You may not see it so I will bold the letters that stuck out at me from my cheese list.

Light Cheeze Whiz
Medium Cheddar

Of course you could spell the word from those letters but it struck me as odd, is there some kind of cheesy conspiracy to cause our weather to be bad, so bad we may call it a 'Blizzard'?

So I did some investigation into cheese, and of course as I suspected cheese was popularized in Europe and many gourmet cheeses are still produced in France and Italy.

Then I checked who would gain if Edmonton would fall into blizzard like conditions. It is clearly the European Union who would achieve two goals. Temporarily shutting down the Albertan Oilsands as well as using the blizzard as further evidence of global climate change. quadriplegic

So while I don't know the how, I am sure that the EU is using cheese in a plot to take down Alberta.

Food for thought.

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