Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm finally back to a reasonably sized flack!!!

With the addition of the most recent litter, my Bird-dog flack (flock+pack) is now back to the size it was before the god damn bird flu hit (NEVER FORGET!) so I've decided to post some picture of the newest additions.

Here's Buddy

He loves digging and going for walks. Buddy can just never get enough sunflower seeds; he absolutely loves them! If you ever need him to come and he's being stubborn, you just have to say "sunflowers seeds" and he'll fly over to you as fast as he can!

This little guys name is Poly:

Even though he's just weeks old, he's already taken to playing fetch. You can throw just about anything - a ball, a stick, a duffelbag, a mountain goat, a chew toy, anything - and he'll bring it right back!

And Rex:

I'll never cease to be amazed at how good his sense of smell is! Rex can smell a bug in a rotting log through even the thickest bark and peck it right out.

So now that these three new bundles of joy are here, the flack is now 14 strong! If I get more time I may post some more of my bird-dog pals in the near future.

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